The Directorate organized a mock exam to shape the candidate in boldness and confident during the main exams.
The mock exams produced positive results which can be seen in the analysis of the
BECE for 2021.
The following are the analysis.
Schools | Boys | Girls | Total |
Public | 648 | 755 | 1403 |
Private | 1185 | 1231 | 2416 |
Total | 1833 | 1986 | 3819 |
In all sixteen schools, results were analyzed, which is one thousand, four hundred and three (1,403) candidates were registered. One thousand, three hundred and ninety-six (1,396) candidates were present, seven (7) candidates were absent and six hundred and nineteen (619) candidates got aggregate thirty (30) and below.
Saint Francis Catholic JHS were first with a mean aggregate of 19.14 followed by Adentan Community School with a mean aggregate of 23.42. Knowledge and Faith Islamic School were sixteen with a mean aggregate of 26.99.
The Director of the Directorate believe the year 2020 will be better than 2021 and sends an encouraging message to the 2022-year candidate to learn hard since the Municipal Assembly and the Directorate are doing their best to support them with all the needed teaching and learning materials.