Adentan Municipal Assembly’s Municipal Planning Coordinating Unit, MPCU led by the Planning Officer, Mrs. Ivy Oduro Kwateng, conducted a comprehensive project monitoring exercise to assess the progress of ongoing projects within the municipality. The team visited six key projects, including the construction of a single-story Reproduction Health Centre at Ashaley Botwe. This health center’s ground floor, which has been completed, will consist of essential facilities such as a reception area, revenue office, general waiting area, and separate place of convenience for males and females, along with 2 consulting rooms. It has been reported that the second phase of this project is scheduled for completion by the end of the second quarter of 2024.

During the assessment, the team also examined the progress of the third phase of the Zonal Council office at Sutsurunaa. While the progress was reported to be slowly advancing, completion is currently estimated at 25%. Additionally, a six-unit classroom block, lacking ancillary facilities, was found to be at an impressive 80% completion. The supervising engineer, Charles Akrofi-Ansah expressed confidence that, the project would be finished in the near future. The headmistress of the school voiced a sense of urgency, noting that the current facility utilized by the pupils is deteriorating, with its concrete roof in a fragile state.

Overall, the monitoring exercise demonstrated a proactive approach by the Adentan Municipal Assembly’s MPCU in ensuring the timely and effective completion of essential infrastructure projects aimed at improving the well-being and educational facilities within the municipality. With ongoing efforts and close monitoring, the assembly is working towards enhancing the quality of public services and infrastructure for the benefit of the community.

The Municipal Chief Executive was very happy about giant stripes taken in completion of some of the projects.

Contrally, he was  not happy with some of the work of the Contractors ,especially the pavement and landscaping work at the Fish for Development Project site. He queried the loose aggregation of inquality materials used causing fractural defects in the pavement work.





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