The Adentan Municipal Assembly on Wednesday 25 October 27, 2023 organized a two-day capacity training in salary administration and it pertaining issues for all GOG staff.
The training was is in two sessions, thus morning and afternoon sessions.
The training had two facilitators from the Head of Local Service in the person of Madam Eunice Sena and Mr. Boye, and said the training is for individuals learning experience.
Madam Sena being the first facilitator took the participants through the key documents one need as a civil servant after securing the employment, such as Appointment Letter, Assumption of duty letter.
‘’When you are newly employed as a civil servant and you are to fill your new entrant forms ,made sure you carefully check your details being filled in ,do not leave everything to the Human Resource Management thinking they know it all, especially your date of birth ,this is a big deal if not done properly’’ she added.
She argued that if you have a problem with any of these documents, your promotions could be affected, because it was not captured properly, your bank can refuse to pay your salary if your information does not correspond to all documents.
Madam Sena further added that, with the Digitalization Agenda Government is pursing, civil servants need to check out their information with SSNIT, Bank Account and the Ghana Card should have the same names and date of birth. The past mistakes has be corrected now, nobody can escape this now.
She again schooled the participants on some benefits available for all to access, like Tax Relieve, Car loans and assets control loans .
’’These benefits are there for you to access to help you manage your finances well ,please make time and go to Controller now’’ she exclaimed.
- The second facilitator, Mr. Boye advised the participants to be careful in their line of duty, and report any suspicious dealings to necessary authority., ‘‘For example if you are paid huge sums of money in your account and you know your grade does not qualify you for that ,do not spend the money without reporting to your head of unit, BNI would come for you one day ,unearned salary is a big crime, please be careful’’ he added.