The mandate of the Human Resource Unit is to build the capacity of Staff and Honorable Assembly members through training and workshops. This will help in ensuring great output from the trained staff and the Assembly members in their respective roles. In 2021, the Assembly through the Human Resource Unit organized a special training session for all Assembly members and selected staff to build their capacity on the revised Procurement Act 914. The three (3) days training started on the 7th December, to 9th December,2021.
The training has a core aim of equipping members with the requisite information which will enable them to understand how procurement processes are executed in the Assembly and other ministries, Departments, Agencies and MDA’s. According to the head of Human Resource Management, the training objectives were in three points, that is;
- To equip members with the concept of procurement.
- To build the capacity of the Assembly members and Staff.
- To assist Assembly members and staff explore the procurement Act 633 and the revised act 914.
The training Programme targeted the municipal Chief Executive member of parliament Assembly members, Secretary of the Assembly Local Government Staff and any other management staff approved by the leadership of the assembly.
The capacity took the trainees through modules in the revised procurement act 914 such as Procurement Plan, Qualification of Tenders, Records of Procurement proceedings for module one (1). It further took them through the second module which is Public Notice of procurement Awards, Content of Tender document and use of Standard tender documents and Qualification and Suspension of Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants.
Module three (3) taught the trainee Competitive Tendering and Two Stage Tendering.
Module four (4) speaks about Restricted Tendering and Entity Tender Committee.
Finally Procurement for Single Source, Procurement for module five (5), Language of Tendering for module six (6) and the rest are Evaluation of Tendering for module seven (7) and offence relating to Procurement Threshold for Regional Coordinating Council and MMDCE’s and the content of tender.