Mrs. Matilda Presner and her son on Monday the 15th of November ,2022 made a donation to the Fafraha Health Centre at the office of the Physician in charge, Mrs. Justina Issaka.

Items donate were a desk-top computer, a printer and a ream of A4 Sheets.

The items were presented by Mrs. Matilda Presner a resident in the vicinity.

According to Mrs. Matilda Presner, the presentation made to the Health Centre was a precursor of her visit to the Centre during the Covid-19 vaccination program where she noticed the facility did not have a desktop for records keeping. She communicated with Mrs. Dorcas Asamoah a staff at the Health Centre and delivered on her promise. She advised the in-charge and her subordinates to take good care of the items and use the items for the intended purpose.

Mrs. Justina Issaka together with Mrs. Dorcas Asamoah and other health personnel acknowledge and showed gratitude to Mrs. Presner for her immense effort and considering the Fafraha Health Centre in reaching out to their needs. She also added that the director will look forward to providing them with access to the internet as well as looking forward to more donations.


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