Solid Waste Collection Services
Subscription to solid waste services is mandatory to all owners and occupiers of all types of premises (domestic, industrial, institutions etc).
Prospective service beneficiaries are required to register with only AdMA accredited service providers in their respective communities for solid waste services.
It is illegal to subscribe to services of unaccredited service providers.
Liquid Waste Management Services
- Desludging of septic tanks
- Desilting of septic tanks
- Construction of household toilets
- Implementation of GAMA-WSP household toilets project
- Connection to Municipal sewerage network
- Design and construction of toilet facilities
Advisory Services
- Development of waste management plans for real estate developers, commercial properties and industrial establishments
- Preparation of RFPs for procurement of waste management services by private entities
- Evaluation of proposals for waste management services
These services are available to private property owner or establishments on demand