- To provide Community Based Rehabilitation programs in all communities
- To provide professional Social welfare services within the municipality, ensuring that the statutory responsibilities of the unit are carried out in the field of Justice administration and Child rights, promotion and protection
- To promote access to Social services for the disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized groups
- To co-ordinate and regulate specialized residential services for children, underprivileged youth and the disabled
- To facilitate opportunities for NGOs to develop social services in collaboration with the communities
- To collaborate with the Health directorate within the Assembly and other Agencies to promote community care strategies and create awareness on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS
- To create awareness on population issues and family planning
- o promote social, economic and emotional stability in families
- To promote poverty alleviation and ensure income security amongst the vulnerable, marginalized and disadvantaged groups
The statutory obligations of the Social Welfare unit include the following:
- The promotion and protection of the rights of children
- Justice Administration on child related issues
- Community care
- Budgeting, Planning and Monitoring
While that of the Community Development include:
- Economic Empowerment
- Adult Education
- Personal social welfare services
- Hospital welfare services
- Assistance to street children, child survival and development
- Socio-economic and emotional stability in families.
- Arbitration
Some of the activities evolving from these statutory obligations include:
- Identification and monitoring of Early Childhood Development centres
- Facilitation of community-based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
- Assistance and facilitation in the provision of community care services which include:
- Registration of persons with disabilities
- Assistance to the aged
- Facilitating the registration and supervision of Non-governmental organizations and their activities within the municipality
- Assist in the organisation of community development programmes to improve and enrich rural life (Income generation for rural women, Provision of vocational training for the poor and disabled, teaching deprived or rural women home management and child care)
- Maintenance of children
- Child custody
- Paternity
- Family reconciliation
- Prison aftercare
- Running of children‘s homes
- Adoption
- Psychiatric social work services
- Services for the destitute
- Poverty alleviation through LEAP