As part of the Department’s Annual Action Plan, an education session on menstrual for adolescents was organized in the four (4) administrative zones in the municipality.

The programme aimed at educating the adolescents in the municipality to understand and manage their menstrual cycle with consciousness.

The programme was organised on the Child Protection Facilitation Toolkit with the purpose of imbedding in the adolescent thus issues that are associated with menstrual cycle before, during and after the period.

Though the Department targeted 200 adolescents to be educated, the public awareness prior to the programme affected over 955 adolescents and other community members.

During the education training, issues such as child molestation, neglect by parents physical abuse by parents and guardians among others.

The adolescents (Pupils) admitted of behaving negatively against their parents and stated bad behaviours such as engaging in gaming activities and indulging in theft of their parent’s funds. The teachers who attended the education training advised that all gaming centers should be closed and specifically pointed to some at school junction in the Sutsurunaa Zone.

In a follow-up to the gaming centers, the issue has been reported to the women and children sub-committee which the recommendation has been forwarded to General Assembly through the Executive Committee.

The facilitator also address combat child abuse by sensitizing children and parents to report such cases to Traditional Authorities in their communities, the Police or a near Social Welfare Office.

Statistically, about 115 adolescents and 310 adults (parents and guardians) attended the programme which represents 157 males and 153 females.

The Departmental Head acknowledged the efforts of the facilitators and encouraged the pupils and their parents present to hold the message received from the education on menstrual hygiene as a biological means of going through the cycle each and every month.

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